Friday, June 7, 2013

Foggy-brained and lack of direction

This past two weeks since my Rome-Subway exposure have been quite difficult.  For such a slight exposure, it has been troubling how long it is taking me to recover.  Last Tuesday, a few days after I had my cross-contaminated sandwich, I had difficulty breathing during my tae kwon do class and needed to resort to my inhaler that I thought I could put aside and had the nurse take off of my current medications list.  Coughing and like were problems before class, but it was even worse after.  Even today as I sit and write this, there is some pressure and squeezing in my chest.  Of all the symptoms I've struggled with these past two weeks, I really cannot say which have been the worst:

  • The lump in my throat
  • The tightness in my chest
  • The muddle-headed fuzzy-brained lethargy
  • The sharp pain in my bowels
  • The intermittent itching on my scalp, face, and stomach

Each one of these symptoms bothered me to no end off-and-on.  Even now I can't pick.  At least the bowel pain has finally gone as has the lump in my throat.  The rest come and go.  I am really ready for this to be over.  The cycle lasts 10-17 days, and I am at day 14.  It has got to be over soon.

Also feeling a distinct lack of direction.  Life has taken another left-turn.  It seems as though that is the new normal.  No sooner do I start feeling settled and in a groove, then things change again.  It makes it hard to pick a direction.  It's bad enough that the ADHD makes it difficult to stay interested in engaged in anything that isn't immediately rewarding.  It's even worse that I've been so darn sick the last forever that I have had no energy or real motivation for anything.  These continuing, unexpected, difficult to deal with changes, make it no easier.  It certainly makes it hard to decide.

Hoping to feel better soon, so I can get excited about something.

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